
Things to know before going abroad for studies after Hsc

Nanzivana, who has just passed the HSC (higher secondary Examination) , wanted to study abroad from the very beginning. So, in this last lockdown, she started researching about foreign universities along with HSC exam preparation. Nanjiva flew to Canada after receiving a scholarship from the university of her choice.

If you want to put yourself in this position after HSC like Nanjeeva, you need to keep a few things in mind. Many students dream of studying abroad after HSC. But most of the time, despite good results, dreams remain dreams due to lack of proper information.

Today’s blog is for those who are interested in pursuing higher education abroad after HSC. Eligibility for Higher Education Abroad, Scholarships Abroad after HSC, Eligibility for Scholarships Abroad, Ways to Get Scholarships, What Eligibility is Required for IELTS, Ways to Get Scholarships in America for Bangladeshi Students, Higher Education in Canada, Government Scholarships and Full Free Scholarships in Different Countries, Getting Student Visa in Some Countries Simple, student visa eligibility, basically these are the main topics of today’s discussion.

Why study abroad after HSC?

After high school or HSC is the best time to study abroad. Moreover, there are opportunities to get scholarships from all places at graduate level. Due to better education system and better living conditions, research and job opportunities, many people are moving abroad.


Studying abroad after HSC allows students to think and act more efficiently than others by learning to think in new ways about many things and learn to live independently. So it can be seen that the experience of living abroad sometimes has a positive role in the overall life of a person.

Those who study abroad, in most cases, are several times more independent and self-reliant than others, and are far ahead in terms of intelligence and creativity. The experience of living abroad is very valuable, if you can use the knowledge gained in the right place after coming home.

It is important to plan in advance if you want to graduate abroad after HSC. Planning should be started at least six months in advance. Because big decisions such as choosing a city and university should be taken with a little understanding.

Preparation for going abroad for higher education:

“How can I prepare myself” – this is the first thought that comes to mind when going out. So let’s start preparing.

Seeing that so and so is going to study abroad after HSC, you should also go, that is not the case. Many of us want to go out at some point in our lives But since it is one of the most important decisions in life, it should be taken with a lot of thought. Everything including your age, educational qualification, finances, family consent should be taken into consideration.

Good results:
Although secondary and higher secondary results are not required in all universities, good results are important if you want to study with a scholarship in a good university. Whichever program or course you go abroad for, the better your results, the better your chances of admission and scholarship in foreign universities.

Co-curricular activities:
ECAs or extra curricular activities act as plus points in your application form. Apart from studies, a student may be interested in various subjects like dance, singing, recitation, sports, volunteering, writing, cooking, debating, photography, olympiads. And having this interest should not only be said, it should be shown through various essays in your application, letters of recommendation from teachers and small life stories in interviews.

Linguistic Skills:
A good score in IELTS or TOFEL is required as English is spoken in most countries. These scores are valid for two years.

GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is required for those who want to do post graduation in engineering faculty in USA. And for those who want to study business or humanities, there is GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test). And those who want to go abroad after passing high school or want to get admission in any college abroad, they take SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). European countries generally do not require the American GRE or GMAT. GRE/GMAT duration is 5 years.

However, those who study in English medium can get the opportunity to study abroad without IELTS score, since their medium of instruction is English. Many foreign universities accept Medium of Instruction as equivalent to IELTS or TOEFL. Generally, this certificate has to be collected from the exam controller of the public university of Bangladesh and from the registry office of the private university.

If you want to go to China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, France, etc., it is better to learn the language of these countries in advance. Knowing the language makes it easier to get scholarships in these countries, as well as part-time jobs, language skills are useful.

Program Determination:
There are several things to keep in mind while deciding the course or program.

What subject do you want to study, which one is in high demand in the global context, what will be good in the domestic job market, what can you easily improve your career and reach your goals by studying, how acceptable or timely is the standard or method of higher education in the country you are interested in studying in the country of your choice in the world?

future professional life, where to build a workplace after studying the course, the facilities, possibilities and the degree of difficulty or hindrance, which course is most suitable for you according to your current qualification, whether there is any alternative course for this course, duration and tuition How much is the fee, basically you have to keep an eye on these things.

To get the correct answers to these questions, you can talk in advance with the information and counseling centers of various universities in the developed world or if you know a student who has studied or is taking the course.

Credit Transfer:
Have studied or are currently studying in any one of the courses of any university of the country. Now you are interested in studying that course in a foreign university. In that case you can claim exemption letter from the university authority for taking credit for the course done in the country. The amount of credit you will receive for your course will be determined by the authority of the university. Here’s what you’ll need:

Academic certificates, transcripts, testimonials.
Course Outline and Syllabus.
Course Level Information
Letter of recommendation by college or university faculty.
Method of Course Assessment.
Information regarding the grading system.
Course duration, lecture-hours, laboratory hours, fieldwork etc.
Exams, essays, project work etc.
Application process to study abroad after HSC:
After all the work is done, now it’s time to apply to the universities. Sessions start at different times in each university, so remember their admission opening times and apply accordingly.

Keep the required documents ready:
If you want to study abroad after HSC, first of all you have to check that all the documents including all the necessary academic documents are in order. If any document is left out it has to be produced or collected from the concerned office All educational qualification certificates along with updated CV and cover letter should be done in English. Mainly in case of application:

Jammu Registration Certificate
National Identity Card (if any)
SSC Certificate, Transcript and Testimonial
HSC Transcript, Certificate and Testimonial
Passport size photograph
Statement of Purpose (SOP) letter
Letter of motivation
Letter of recommendation
IELTS / TOEFL / Language Proficiency Certificate
Check the list of required documents at the time of application.

Photographs and all necessary photocopies must be attested. All documents can be attested free of charge by a special branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh subject to production of original copies. It can also be attested by a notary public. Although the admission process is online, in many cases hard copies of some documents need to be sent by courier to the university.

Statement of Purpose (SOP- Statement of Purpose) :

SOP or Statement of Purpose is one of the things that we need to think more about when going to study abroad after HSC. SOP is your personal story. Why you want to study such and such a subject, what is your previous experience, what you will do after graduation, why you should take it apart from the other ten – etc.

How you are as a person, how prepared you are to handle the pressure of higher education, a reflection of your background, talent, experience and ability, the admission committee gets to know from this SOP. Just as you do, write about yourself and your future plans in a relevant and motivational way without resorting to lies.

The first thing to think about is country selection. That is, which country you will go to which city. You need to know which countries are ahead in terms of quality of higher education. Currently, the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, and Japan are leading in the quality of education.

However, you need to think carefully before choosing any of these countries. Because each country has differences in the type of study, tuition fees, living expenses and admission requirements. Choose the country that best suits your budget, interests and qualifications.

The next step of country selection is topic selection. Foreign universities have opportunities to study many subjects that are not available in the country. So you have to choose a subject that you are interested in, capable of doing well and also has a good job opportunity after studying the subject. Don’t choose anything on impulse.

Then comes the university election. Just as there are back-tier universities in developed countries, there are also first-tier universities in relatively less developed countries. Again, there is a variation in tuition fees depending on the university. Full free scholarship system is not common in many countries.

So you need to reach a final decision by observing the quality of education, environment, global ranking, tuition fees, scholarship benefits, course duration, part-time job opportunities, citizenship, quality of life, accommodation, number of foreign students, weather etc. An easy way to check these is to check the websites of the universities you wish to apply to. Take all notes patiently.


The most important things to consider while choosing a university are:

Do you have a favorite subject?
What is the quality of education?
What is the standard of educational institutions and teachers?
Where is the location of the educational institution?
Course Duration and Tuition Fees
Scholarship Benefits
Admission Eligibility
If you apply to 4-5 universities of multiple countries instead of applying in any one country, chances of getting good results are more.

Now let’s know another important thing, about ‘scholarship’ Many people want to study abroad on scholarship. Because studying abroad is quite expensive. But many students are confused about how to search for scholarships. The dream of getting this scholarship sometimes turns into a nightmare due to lack of proper planning and practical knowledge.

Important things to know about scholarship abroad after HSC:

Many cannot afford the tuition fee abroad as it is relatively high. But if your results, language skills and co-curricular activities are good then the scholarship will come within your reach very easily.

Important things to know about studying for scholarships:

How long is the scholarship period and whether it is renewable
What qualifications are required if there is an opportunity to renew
What are the areas where the scholarship money can be spent?
Is it possible for you to live there and continue your studies with scholarship money?

Scholarships abroad after HSC:

A significant number of students are currently migrating from our country to graduate every year Most of them aim to complete their studies with full-ride scholarships.

For those who want to study abroad after HSC with scholarship, there are government scholarships in India, Indonesia, Egypt, Russia, Azerbaijan, China, Japan, Romania, Hungary, Germany, Brunei, Turkey.

Some of the famous such scholarships are Japan’s Monbusho Scholarship and Monbukagakusho or Mext Scholarship, MHTT Scholarship Program, Germany’s DAAD, Australia’s Development Scholarship, United Kingdom’s Commonwealth Scholarship, Chevening Scholarship, Canada’s Islet Scholarship, Canada’s Humber International Entrance Scholarship, etc. Besides, every university has full free scholarship and partial scholarship opportunities for students.

One of the best universities in the world has the opportunity to study at no cost or no salary in Germany. The German government spends a large portion of their state budget on education. So here the opportunity to get good quality education with scholarship is relatively high. If you don’t get an undergraduate scholarship, the graduate course costs only $3500 per year.

The five Scandinavian countries of North Eastern Europe (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) offer many opportunities to study. For example, higher education at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD levels at various world-class universities in Norway is completely free, with Norwegian language skills being a priority. Denmark and Finland also have various scholarship schemes. Apart from free education, these scholarships also provide food and lodging scholarships.

The general application period for the scholarships is between December and May. So after HSC result you will get several days to prepare. In addition, university-based scholarships are also offered in other countries including the United States. In that case, know about the scholarship of that university from the website at the time of application.

Eligibility for Scholarship Abroad:

Linguistic skills
First you need to take IELTS or TOEFL. Although a certificate of language proficiency is not required in many cases, since you will be preparing for a long time and applying for scholarships abroad, it is better to come prepared. Most universities require a minimum IELTS band score of 7.0 and 6.5 in each section. The IELTS test should be prepared according to the requirements of the subject you want to study.

Letter of Recommendation
Letter of Recommendation (LOR) from one to three persons should be taken at the time of application. You can be helped by those who know you well, such as those who know you, understand your work and are not part of your family. So it is better to fix both.

Firstly, a direct teacher of yours, secondly, if you are employed, someone directly superior to you. Name someone on the reference who you have a good relationship with who will take the time to write the reference for you.

Statement of Purpose
You need to write a Statement of Purpose or SOP. Why you want to study in that university, that is basically what should be beautifully displayed there. But don’t forget to copy it from internet. Take your time and write your own way.

Apart from creating these, check the profile of the professors of the universities where you want to study and get scholarships. Send personal mail to people whose jobs are similar to your interests. But don’t contact more than one professor at the same university. If a professor refuses for any reason, then contact another professor in that department.

Ways to get scholarship abroad after HSC:

Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC) website also provides notices of various country embassies or government scholarships. The preferred countries for students to get scholarships are USA, UK, Japan, China, Germany, Canada, Australia and Russia. Information regarding the government scholarships of these countries can be found on their official websites.

From there you can also apply for the scholarship online by submitting the necessary documents. There are also many groups related to scholarships abroad on Facebook. Join them and keep reading different people’s advice regularly. These will be useful. If you have any suggestion you can get it from there.

And if you are going to study on your own then keep in mind how much it will cost to complete the course of your choice and how to pay the fees. If you e-mail the university, they will provide you with a draft estimate of the total cost and the method of payment. The mail usually contains a list of tuition fees, housing costs, food costs, textbook costs, insurance costs.

You can stay as a paying guest in a house instead of staying in a university dorm if you want. In some universities, if you pay the tuition fee of 2 semesters together, some commission or discount is available.

Government Scholarship Website:

Country / Place Name Website
United States
Saudi Arabia

Ways to get job abroad (part time):

Part-time job is the main problem faced by Bangladeshi students while studying abroad. One can take a part-time job to earn money for his own expenses and other necessary money, but after doing that job for a large part of the day, many fail to devote time to proper classes and studies.

Many times this causes grades to drop, resulting in the cancellation of scholarships. If this is the case, the main purpose of studying abroad is disrupted. So it is necessary to have an idea about what kind of part-time job you can use your skills while going abroad. Part-time work is also prohibited in many countries.

Which country is easier to get a student visa?

If you try, it is easy to get a student visa for almost all countries, but it is easy for Bangladeshi students to go to India, Malaysia, China, Netherlands, France, Malta, Hungary, Finland, Portugal. And in other countries it is relatively difficult to get a student visa. No matter which country you are applying for a visa, you should take a good look at the socio-economic status of that country. Ability to adapt to the environment of the respective country or university should also be developed.

Student Visa Eligibility and Visa Processing Steps:

The offer letter sent by the university should reach the institution within the time limit mentioned. Otherwise the admission will be treated as cancelled. So you need to collect the visa of that country before the specified date. To get a visa to a country, first you have to collect the visa application form of that country.

In some cases, the educational institution itself provides the visa application form. Otherwise, the visa application form must be collected from the specific embassy and submitted to the embassy along with all the necessary documents with correct information and the visa must be collected through the interview on the specified day.

Documents Required for Visa:

Documents related to educational qualification: Certificate, mark sheet, original copy along with attested photocopy of certificate of head of institution.
birth certificate
Used pages of current and previous passports. Passport should be valid for at least 1 year and should match educational documents with occupation, date of birth and all other details.
Admission certificate or offer letter from the educational institution.
Proof of financial ability
Completed Financial Capability (Sponsor or Guarantor) Form.
Birth certificate, passport or school documents as evidence of applicant’s relationship with the sponsor.
Documents detailing sponsor’s source of income.
If there is a history of serving in the armed forces, there is a work record and clearance.
Proof of Language Proficiency
Proof of health insurance
Police clearance

Cost of Studying Abroad:

Choosing a country should be based on whether you will receive a scholarship for higher education abroad, as studying abroad is associated with costs. If you get a scholarship, then it is not difficult to study in the number one university in the world ranking. But if you don’t get scholarship or get partial scholarship, then you should choose the country according to your ability.

Because, in America, it usually takes twenty million taka per year to study at the graduate level. In Canada it is 15 lakh taka. Fifteen to eighteen lakh rupees are required in Australia and UK. The cost of studying in Malaysia, China and India is roughly the same as private universities in Bangladesh.

That amount must be in the bank. But if you get a scholarship, the percentage of the scholarship can be left out of this calculation. Along with that, the bank must show satisfactory money for the surrounding expenses, such as accommodation, food, transportation, clothing, hand expenses, medical etc. In total, if it is found that 10 lakh rupees will be required as tuition fees and 10 lakh rupees as accommodation expenses, then it is better to show at least 25 lakh rupees as bank statement.

There are numerous opportunities to go abroad for graduation after HSC. There are also opportunities for post-graduation and Ph.D. So you should study abroad with good preparation. Stay a few hands away from various brokers or fraud agency people. They should take advantage of your inexperience to demand a large amount of money!

Many of us want to study abroad. Studying in another country among a different group of people, living with them, is thrilling to think about. Just what? There are many other benefits of studying abroad. It also has some disadvantages. Today’s article is about these pros and cons of studying abroad.

Benefits of going abroad for higher education

1. Cultural Diversity:
One of the biggest benefits of studying abroad is getting to know people from different cultures. Generally, many people from many countries of the world come to study in foreign universities. In that case, it can be seen that those who go to study abroad get the opportunity to get acquainted with people of different cultures. As a result, various aspects and norms of those cultures are known. Moreover, they get a fair idea about the culture of their own country.

2. Self reliance:
Studying abroad means you don’t have to live under family rule. As a result, you will get a chance to discover yourself. You have to do your own work yourself. For example, keeping your room clean, doing calculations, trying to get out of any danger yourself, etc. Through this, self-reliance is gradually developed, which is often not developed with family. Thus the sojourn changes a person and prepares him for the next life.

3. Diverse Networks:
As students from different countries come to study in foreign universities, networks are formed with people from different countries. In university life, you have to study through teamwork, so you have the experience of working with students from different countries. If you can keep in touch with them even after completing your studies, you can build a rich network of acquaintances that can be useful in various areas of work and life.

4. New Career Aspects:
Studying abroad can expose you to many new jobs that are not available in your home country. Not only will the tasks be new to you, but you will also find interest in them. In this way you can choose one of many paths as a career. This is a great opportunity as it allows one to choose one’s choice as a career. If in the country this opportunity is less because there is no such open opportunity in career selection in the country.

5. Good job opportunities:
If you wish to work in the country, there is also an advantage of studying abroad. Studying from a good university abroad will add plus points to your CV. As a result, even after coming to the country, you will be able to join a good job in a good organization relatively easily. And by making proper use of the experience you have gained while abroad, you can quickly advance your career.

6. Sightseeing and Adventure Opportunities:
For those who like to travel like me, studying abroad is a golden gift. The opportunity to travel to a completely new country does not come easily. If you go abroad to study, you can also travel well in addition to studying. By doing this, your travel-hungry mind will get peace of mind.

7. Skill Development Opportunities:
Besides adapting to the new environment abroad, studying abroad will help you improve your various skills. Working with different people, getting along with them, ability to lead from among them, etc. will increase your skills in various tasks. As a result, you will be the company’s first choice for sending jobs abroad.

This is about convenience. Everything has pros and cons, studying abroad also has some cons. Now let’s see the disadvantages –

Disadvantages of going abroad for higher education

1. New environment:
The first difficulty in studying abroad is the difficulty of adapting to a new environment. You will go to a completely different food habit, different manners, different language, basically a completely different environment. There you are one, and others are different. As a result, it is difficult to communicate and adapt to them.

2. Alone:
When you find it hard to adapt to the new environment in a foreign country, you will start missing your old life. No mother to feed you when you get hungry, no old friends to hang out with in the afternoon, no opportunity to wake up whenever you want. When these things are combined with inability to adapt, you will feel alone. This is one of the major disadvantages of studying abroad.

3. Additional Expectations:
We all have a fault. That is, we carry extra expectations when we go to study abroad. I only know about the country I am going to from movies and what I see on the internet. As a result, we already know less. And we have a fascination with foreign countries. As a result, when we go abroad and face reality, that disillusionment wears off.

When you go there, you can see that you can’t go where you want, the laws are strict for foreigners, etc. Due to despair, many cannot continue their studies there.

4. Going the wrong way:
Another major disadvantage of studying abroad is the possibility of going in the wrong direction. When you’re frustrated because you can’t adapt to a new environment, that’s the easiest time to go down this wrong path. When you are suddenly released from the rule of the family, you want to do many things. There will be no one to stop you in a free environment abroad. As a result, there is a very high possibility of character degradation.

5. Not being able to stand by the family during bad times:
If you go to study abroad, there is no opportunity to return to the country frequently due to the laws of that country or the cost of returning to the country. As a result, it can be seen that there is no opportunity to be with the family back home when there is a bad time or hearing any bad news. This results in pressure on the mind which disrupts learning.

6. Cost:
In many countries, the cost of living is so high that many families cannot afford it. Everyone has to work part-time to cover the cost of education as well as the cost of living. This results in no time for oneself. And finding part-time jobs is often difficult. Due to this financial pressure, both studies and pleasure are disrupted.

Studying abroad is a dream for many of us. But this dream dies when people go abroad and find that the reality does not match the expectations. That’s why we all should look at all the previous advantages and disadvantages, see if we can cope with the disadvantages or not. A decision should be made about studying abroad considering all these things. Only then it is possible to make proper use of the facilities and avoid the pitfalls.

Faisal Shourov

Hi, I am Md Faisal Shourov. My profession is writing blogs. I regularly publish the articles I like to experience in the form of Tips & Tricks blog posts on

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